Thursday 7 July 2011

WWE Superstars Alberto Del Rio

Alberto Del Rio Biography
Alberto Rodriguez, well known as Alberto Del Rio, born on May 25, 1977; is a mixed martial arts background based professional wrestling superstar. He started his professional wrestling career on September 29, 2000. He started his professional wrestling career on June 17, 2009, won first ever biggest 40 man over the top rope 2011 Royal Rumble on January 30, 2011.


He proudly introduced himself as Royal Rumble winner, said his destiny is to win the Royal Rumble to become world champion at WrestleMania and later defeated R Truth in a match at January 3 Raw and again defeated R Truth time with the help of his assistant intelligently, once again said to people that his destiny is to win the Royal Rumble to become world champion at WrestleMania, blamed Americans by insulting their music and culture but showed Mexican music through his assistant Ricardo Rodriguez in January 10 Raw event, On same night he involved in Shawn Michaels’ show and received sweet chin music from Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels.


Alberto Del Rio won 40 men royal rumble at Royal Rumble on January 30, 2011. He celebrated his last night victory in Mexican style, appreciated by Miz, forced by Miz to choose Edge at WrestleMania by saying several lies but Edge confirmed Miz’s statement; he later selected edge as his WrestleMania opponent and later attacked by World Heavyweight Champion but del rio seriously punished WWE World Heavyweight Champion Edge with guitar and cross arm break submission in January 31 Monday night Raw.

At February 4 Smackdown, he made Kofi Kingston as loser of Smackdown qualifying match due to his presence on screeen, later decided to offer several gifts to Hornswoggle, seriously injured by Hornswoggle due to Hornswoggle’s blind kendo stick shot and then kicked him by seriously considering his actions but attacked by Kofi, however he serously punished Kofi Kingston with cross arm break submission. He shared his life most beautiful things with wrestling fans at February 11 Smackdown, attacked by Intercontinental Champion but defeated him in a match after that.


Alberto Del Rio defeated Kofi Kingston at Elimination Chamber on February 20, 2011.


He met Theodore Long in GM’s office room in March 25 Smackdown event, he said to GM only 9 days away for WrestleMania and would like to do 9 things to Edge. However, he ordered by Theodore Long; not to touch edge until WrestleMania. If Del Rio at least touches Edge, he will be banned from WrestleMania. However, Del Rio said you can’t do it Teddy but understand power of GM after listening Teddy Long’s words i.e without Del Rio they conducted 26 WrestleManias. Del Rio defeated by Christian in a match but injured by Christian with a steel chair shot in front of his WestleMania opponent Edge. At March 28, 2011 Raw event, he teamed up with Brodus Clay but lost tag team match to Edge and Christian. However, he punished Christian and then Edge with cross arm break submission after that match.

Alberto Del Rio lost WWE world title match to Edge but cried when edge damages his $1,20,000 USD car with a steel rod on April 3, 2011 at WrestleMania 27, attended to April 8 Smackdown, talked about his car, in fact he treats cars as his children, became aggressive when edge paints on his car, demanded a rematch but edge refused to give title shot instead of Christian. As per GM’s decision, he became new #1 contender by defeating Christian in main event and reserved a ladder match against Edge at Extreme Rules pay per view.
Alberto Del Rio
Alberto Del Rio
Alberto Del Rio
Alberto Del Rio
Alberto Del Rio
Alberto Del Rio
Alberto Del Rio
Alberto Del Rio
Alberto Del Rio
Alberto Del Rio
Alberto Del Rio

Matt Hardy vs. Alberto Del Rio (Friday Night Smackdown 10.09.2010)

Royal Rumble Winner Alberto Del Rio Talks to Peter Rosenberg about Everything

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